
Monday, November 21, 2011

DWP, or Driving While Pregnant

It's very dangerous.  I had an unexpected Braxton-Hicks contraction while driving in the parking lot at work, and I hit a parked car.  I believe the damages, between the entire passenger side of my car, and the custom front bumper kit of the other car are about $10,000.  That doesn't include my hospital bill for 6 hours of care, including 2 rounds of bloodwork, and being hooked up to the non-stress test monitor for 4 hours, and continuous monitoring of my very elevated blood pressure.  I was advised to drink lots of water, and all the nurses could comment on was how amazing my husband was, that he kept going to the vending machines to get me water, since my stomach does not like the tap water in East Meadow.  That $10,000.00 also doesn't include the lost wages my insurance is reimbursing me, or the cost of the rental car while my vehicle is being fixed.

I'm really nervous.  I don't want to get in another accident.  The doctor said that if I remember to drink at least 8 - 8oz. glasses of water a day, the Braxton Hicks contractions shouldn't be so bad, and would be fewer and farther between, but I just wish the baby would stop kicking my bladder, because that makes it uncomfortable to drink so much water.

In other news, I'm cooking Thanksgiving dinner at my mother-in-law's house.  Well, I'm cooking everything except the Turkey.  Jonathan is handling that.  We'll be frying a 12 lb. Butterball Turkey in our Cajun Injector Turkey Fryer.  I will be making Pumpkin Streusel Muffins and Raspberry Streusel Muffins.  I am hoping to be done eating and home by 6pm, as I have to be at work at Kay Jewelers at 4 am the next morning for our Black Friday sales.

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