
Monday, October 31, 2011

Merry Halloween

Even before the snow on Saturday, Jon and I had planned to be Santa and a Present.  We figured it was the perfect way to incorporate the baby bump into my costume, it was inexpensive to make the costumes, and we could use the photos on our holiday cards, which we already ordered from Shutterfly last Tuesday after we attended a party in these costumes, and the cards already arrived last Thursday.  I couldn't be more thrilled with how well they came out! I hope that our costumes didn't give Mother Nature the idea that we wanted it to snow!!  I keep having a dream where I wake up in the middle of the night having contractions... in full labor, and I wake Jonathan up to get me to the car to take me to the hospital, and we open the door, and there's a blizzard!  I don't know if we called 9-1-1, the ambulance would take us all the way to the Nassau University Medical Center, even though that's where my doctor is, and I would rather deliver at home in a blizzard, or cross my legs and try to hold the baby in than set foot in either of the hospitals near me in Suffolk County.

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