
Friday, November 14, 2014

Why I love Didymos™ Prima Sole Occidente

Wow, I seriously am blessed to say that the release of Didymos™ Prima Sole Occidente launched my shop and it has become one of my favorite wraps. For me, it has upstaged every other wrap in my rotation in terms of beauty and sophistication.  I have been very busy working on Trendy Babywearing as a result of the success of this wrap's launch and I had a few thoughts on the Didymos™ Indio Sole Occidente, and the wrap that I sold on the swap to fund the purchase of one for myself personally, the Didymos™ Indio Aurora.

When Didymos™ released the Indio Aurora, I thought it was beautiful and I had to have one.  
Wearing Asher with the Didymos™ Indio Aurora
However, after I received the Didymos™ Indio Aurora, I had two thoughts: 
  1. I wished I had ordered a size 7, which wasn't really Didymos™'s fault, but it was something I regretted after purchase because I learned that I liked extra tail for tying.
  2. I wished it was darker.  I wished there was a night version to Aurora's day.  
Wearing Asher with Didymos™ Indio Sole Occidente
Then, Didymos™ did just that, they created another Indio with a gradation of colors similar to Aurora, but darker, and oh so beautiful!  This is the evening gown of wraps, ladies and gents.  Didymos™ Indio Sole Occidente stole my heart.  Despite weighing more than Aurora, it is thinner, therefore the fibers have a greater density.  This wrap is like a second skin when wrapped with and truly molds to your body.  It is soft after just one wash, not the least bit diggy on my shoulders, and have I mentioned its colors?  It is gorgeous jewel tones of purples, blues, green, and a hint of pink.  As this size 7 was just delivered with the latest shipment of Didymos™ from our distributor, I have only had the pleasure of wrapping with it for a day, but it is truly amazing.

I don't know what Didymos™ can do to top this wrap, but I know they will surprise me and it will be spectacular.

*Legal Stuff: I own Trendy Babywearing, and any sales of Didymos™ Indio Sole Occidente through my website at will benefit me financially, however, these opinions are my own and I would feel this way about the wrap even if I didn't benefit from its sales.

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