
Monday, September 26, 2011

20 Weeks Pregnant

The photo above is of our gorgeous baby, Lucie Elizabeth (L.E.), in the 20 week sonogram which was taken last Friday.  Yes, they confirmed that she is a definitely a girl.  We couldn't be more thrilled.  We <3 her so much already and we can't wait to meet her!
 The below photos were all taken at Sand's Point, when we went a week and a half ago for their Renaissance Faire.  The Renaissance Faire was actually more geared towards the kids, and rather lame, so Jon, me, Tricia, and Corey decided to explore the grounds.  It was beautiful out, and it made for a great impromptu photo session.  I took pics of Tricia and Corey on her Blackberry, and she took pictures of Jonathan and me on my iPhone.

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