
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

It's a GIRL!

I apologize for not updating regularly.  I have been ill... I'm 18 1/2 weeks along, and I'm still suffering from nausea.  At 15 1/2 weeks, I had an emergency sono, due to cramping.  Everything was fine, it was just her kicking, because of the earthquake... but the sono tech was able to tell us it's a GIRL!! 
We're naming her LUCIE ELIZABETH or L.E. for short.
In other news, the latest "Dating, It's Complicated" issue on is out, and the entry I submitted was published on their website!  Dating, It's Complicated: Issue 113
My husband and I were in Target today when we ran into one of my mother’s friends, who asked if I was feeling better, and when I was due. I’d been feeling ill due to the pregnancy, and it was sweet of her to ask. My husband answered, “She’s due February 12th.” I looked at him, asking, “WHAT?! My due date is February 10th! Why would you think it was February 12th?” My husband argued with me for a good two minutes that I must be wrong about my due date, and then, it dawned on him… “Oh yeah, oops, February 12th is the date that the Star Wars movies are going to start being re-released in 3D! You know, when important dates are that close together, I get them mixed up!”  -Barbara R
Yes, I'm Barbara R., and YES, my husband is mixing up my due date with the re-release of the first Star Wars movie in 3-D.  Now, I'm hoping she's 2 days late, because that way, Jonathan will never forget Lucie's birthday.

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