
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

29 - 30 Weeks Pregnant

Looks like baby Lucie likes to suck her thumb!
This past week and a half has been very eventful!

Monday, November 28th , I was called in for my first-ever substitute teaching gig at the Day Care.  I never knew I could enjoy a job so much, and kids really do say the darnest things!  One boy, who is 4, asked me if he could "perform a centaurian section" on me "with safety scissors" because he "wants to meet the baby!"  I had to try really hard not to laugh at that one.

Then, on Friday, December 2nd, I went in to see Dr. White for my 30 week check up, and he decided that I needed a sonogram ASAP, and I would need to see the cardiologist.  When I lay down, I get chest pains, and this is a precaution to determine if there is a heart condition, or if it's muscular/skeletal related.  I've been having to sleep sitting up, and propped up with pillows.  If I don't prop myself up to sleep, I get very sick.  The first available cardiologist appointment is December 12th, so please pray for good results on my EKG.  I was able to have the sonogram performed on Friday, but only after waiting 4 hours for prior authorization from my insurance company.  You see, due to budget cuts, the woman who would normally call in such authorizations was laid off, and no one knew how to get the code from the insurance company to ensure I wouldn't have to pay for the sonogram.  I didn't go in for the sonogram until 3:30 pm, and I'd been at the hospital since 9 am that morning, when I went to see the doctor!  I'm so glad I thought to grab a muffin at the gift shop before heading up for the sonogram, because it was already 11am by then, and I'd been advised that the wait would be at least 1 hour, but that was because there were so many people already waiting.

The sonogram photos are AMAZING, although one, in particular, looks a little creepy, because baby girl has a bulging googly looking eye in it.  Of course, to her mama, it is the MOST BEAUTIFUL EYE I've ever seen, but everyone else thinks it's creepy, even Jonathan.  My favorite photo, however, is the one where you can see Lucie sucking her thumb.  She looks like a real baby in that photo.
I love her creepy lil googly eye!!

Lucie is yawning in this photo... see her little tongue sticking out?  How cute!

Here she is, content, post yawn.

I started working at the Daycare Center part-time subbing every day, beginning last Monday (December 5th), and on Tuesday, as I was driving in to work, Jonathan called me to tell me he'd been laid off.  I'm scared, because I'm worried about what will happen if he doesn't find a job with benefits before our health insurance runs out and we have to pay the very high costs of COBRA, but I know that he's very smart, and this could be a positive thing, in the end.  He hadn't been happy at work lately, so this is a chance to get retrained in something that he will enjoy doing.  In hindsight, I really wish I'd asked him to meet me at the hospital last Friday, to see the 30 week sonogram.  It was amazing, and I'm really sad he missed it, being at work, for a job that ended up letting him go less than a week later.

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