
Thursday, April 25, 2013

No, she's NOT perfect all the time, but I love her anyway!

I was inspired to write this post as I spent half an hour trying to stop Lucie from unplugging my iPad and trying to put the power cord in her mouth. She is obsessed with electrical outlets. Everything goes in her mouth.

She is not interested in letting anyone have personal space, and she will fish hook you in a heartbeat. She pulls my hair, and attempts to steal my glasses quite frequently. She stands up in her high chair, and flings food across the room. She knows she is not supposed to do this, and will shake her head no before, after, and while she is misbehaving, but she does it anyway.

And yet, in public, she is perfectly well behaved from her stroller. She is quiet MOST of the time. I often hear from strangers while out and about, "What a good baby!" and how well behaved she is. Then, they ask, "Is she ALWAYS this good?" and I sugar coat my answer and just say, "I'm very lucky." I don't want to see their reactions as I admit that she only behaves well in public. At home, I am her jungle gym. She climbs all over me.

I love her anyway. I guess this is what it's like to be a Mom.

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