
Monday, April 15, 2013


This post is departing from my usual "in the life of a wife and mom" posts. I am just writing to say how saddened I am about the events in Boston today. Let us not be quick to point fingers or lay blame as to who is responsible, until all the facts are uncovered.

I will say that it is an act of terrorism, as it was not an accident; reports state there were three separate explosions. Was it domestic terrorism, or terrorism by another nation, or a terrorist group? We do not know yet.

What I do know is how I feel. I am, and will always be, a New Yorker, no matter how far away I move. I was on Long Island on September 11th. Although time has passed, and I do not live in fear every day, as I once did, this attack was like ripping a band aid off of a cut which has not yet healed. It really hurts for a moment, and then we are left exposed, raw, emotional.

I pray for a day when we never have to see such evil in the world, I pray for world peace. I hope my prayer is answered with a "yes" someday. I pray for the lives lost and for those forever changed by injury. I pray for the families who mourn the lost, and those whose lives must also change, by becoming caretakers.

I not only pray for those affected today. I pray for all victims of terrorism and violence around the world. I pray for victims of war. I pray for soldiers and civilians alike.

I pray that one day we can put a band aid on the world's problems long enough to heal... so when that band aid is ripped off, all that shows is the scar... the mark of survival and of perseverance... the sign that we truly have healed.

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