
Monday, January 21, 2013

Lucie's First Birthday

One year ago today, at 11:43 am, Dr. Scott Stanislawski lifted Lucie out of me and said, "11:43 am, it's a girl!"

I replied, "Well, I knew that, what color is her hair?!"

The jury is still out on my question, as Lucie still does not have much hair, and is mistaken for a boy at least once a day even if she is wearing a pink tutu with a headband and a giant flower on her head, but that is a rant for another day.

This is her "CHEESE" face. She makes this face when I say, "SMILE!" and it makes my heart melt. Isn't she just the cutest?

Today is also very special because it is snowing outside. It was snowing when I walked into the hospital last year to give birth, and it is snowing today, and I know that it is a sign that my friend, Lucie Evens, is celebrating little Lucie's birthday from heaven.

Lucie Evens LOVED the snow. I have a love-hate relationship with snow. I love snow days, but I hate shoveling and the cold.

I wonder what little Lucie Elizabeth will think of the snow tomorrow. I plan to take her out for only a few minutes to see how she reacts... maybe right before we go to the doctor's office. She has her 1 year check up tomorrow at Doctor Sparto's.

I will leave you today with this adorable photo of Lucie and her "My Pal Violet" toy... review of the toy coming soon!

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