
Thursday, August 9, 2012

Reflecting on the last 4 years!

Four years ago today, my sister drove me to see a production of "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat." I had fallen madly in love with one of the actors in the production, though we had never met in person. I can admit that now... I loved Jonathan before we met in real life. We had been talking on the phone and through AOL Instant Messenger into the wee hours of the morning, and he had stolen my heart. We had so much in common, and it just felt right. So, when he mentioned he was in this community theater production, I knew it would be the perfect safe place to meet up.

We had met on Craigslist, and even though this was before the Craigslist killer, I wanted to be careful. My sister drove. I didn't have a driver's license yet. I knew from the moment we walked in, and he came over to meet us, from the smile on his face, that I would have an awesome time that night. He never stopped smiling, even from the stage, as he was supposed to be a "hairy Ishmaelite." My sister and I were sitting in the first row for this show. I was so happy to have found a guy who loved music and musical theater as much as I did.

After the show, I figured I had made an accurate assessment that Jonathan wasn't an ax murderer, so we let Susi go home. She got lost, and accused us of ditching her, a fact that she will still not let us live down, but the truth is, I know she didn't want to be the third wheel anyway. Jonathan took me to a nearby Dunkin' Donuts to get their fabulous Milky Way hot cocoa. He seemed nervous. I tried to calm his nerves as much as possible by flirting, and I guess it worked, because here we are, four years later... Married, parents of a gorgeous baby girl, and best friends.

I can't wait to see how our next great adventure turns out!

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