
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

FaceBook Chain Statuses... My Pet Peeve Explained from a Religious Standpoint

Some of my most religious friends post FaceBook chain statuses the most frequently of any of my FaceBook friends.  As I was raised Roman Catholic, most of these people are Roman Catholic, and this is my response to them:

What is the Roman Catholic Church's official stance on FaceBook chain statuses? Isn't it having Gods before God to put your faith in a status update? I'm not judging... But I think we all need to be mindful of what message we're sending out on FaceBook.  

But aren't we all sending messages to everyone else who reads these statuses? By re-posting, aren't we saying "It's okay to have other Gods, and sometimes, these Gods are FaceBook statuses?" If we think that good or bad things will happen as the result of re-posting things or not re-posting, aren't we all ignoring the first commandment? I am guilty of doing this myself, and honestly, it's something I've only noticed as a result of going through my past posts on FaceBook Timeline, and seeing how much stock I've put into FaceBook statuses in the past... it's frightening to me how many people do this, and actually believe that by re-posting something on FaceBook, we'll somehow receive divine favor. I think we all know it doesn't work like that...

RANT in response to some comments received on FaceBook:
Now, you would think that a good Christian person would not try to crucify me upon reading this, by stating that because I don't wear a collar, I'm not allowed to give religious advice... but that's exactly what happened when I brought this to the attention of one friend... and it wasn't the friend who set out to crucify my character, but one of her more religious friends, and I am sitting here, wondering how they can say I'm being "holier than thou" when they are telling me that because I'm not a priest, and because I'm not a nun, that I'm less of a Christian?  This person who was saying this to me is a married person, so obviously neither themself, and I just have to sit back and laugh at the hypocrisy, because they were giving me a sermon and a lecture, and basically picking apart who I am.  God is my Judge.  People like the respondent are the reason so many people are turning their backs on formalized religion!  The most fanatical adherents of religion are mostly hypocrites, who refuse to examine their own behaviors! 

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