
Saturday, November 10, 2012

A New Chapter

Thus far, this blog has been a prologue. It told the story of how I became a mother, living virtually next door to my parents, in a comical "Everybody Loves Raymond" type scenario. Now, it will tell how I'm seeking wide open spaces, with Jonathan and Lucie, to build a future uniquely ours.

We are moving... And not just out of Lindenhurst, a town where I have spent most of my life, but off of Long Island, out of New York, down south, below the Mason-Dixon Line... To Orangeburg, SC... Or thereabouts.

Jonathan has accepted a job transfer within GKN, and he is training in their Alabama facility until such a time when the Orangeburg facility is up and running enough to sustain a need for quality inspectors. I am thrilled for the opportunity to start fresh.

We have to sell our house here in New York... and we are very lucky that our home is in an area of Lindenhurst left virtually untouched by the hurricane, save for a few downed branches and losing power for a week.

Once we move to South Carolina, we plan to rent an apartment for a year while we explore...

So far, I am exploring housing options via the Internet in West Columbia and Lexington, SC, where the schools are a bit better than Orangeburg. We'd like Lucie to be able to pursue a good education, and we are looking into areas with Montessori schooling available.

While I know I will miss my parents terribly, I believe that they won't be far behind us in the move... But I am also reasonably sure we can all agree we don't want to live within easy walking distance of each other... Maybe a mile or two would be nice.

I really must say that living in such close proximity has been convenient the last week when we were without power, heat, and hot water... But there are times when I am sure that we've all needed a bit of breathing room. Hopefully this move will bring us closer together, but with a bit of physical distance.

Now... For some kiddy cuteness...

Lucie has learned to crawl, and she can stand up by herself when she grabs hold of a sturdy object to pull herself up on... Like a table, or the side of the playpen (with the help of her Nap Nanny).

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