
Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Eve of Walking

Lucie is trying to let go when we stand her up now.

Cute is that, and she is, in her little pink Reeboks, I'm not ready for her to let go. As she lets go of my hands, or the couch, or whatever she is holding, I can see her little life flash before me... Pre-School, Kindergarten, Sweet 16... Oh Gosh! She might want to get married someday!! Now, I know how my parents must have felt 27 years ago as I started walking, and again last year, as they walked me down the aisle to Jonathan. And, although I wasn't walking alone, and I didn't really need them to hold my hands... I appreciated their support of my decisions, and I wanted them there.

I just hope Lucie can slow down her letting go long enough to hold my hand, while she's still small enough... I want her to need me just a little while longer.

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