
Thursday, February 16, 2012

I love my husband

When I told my husband that children were very important to me (back when we were first dating), he wasn't sure about how involved he could be in that aspiration, besides the getting me pregnant part.  His brother was adamant about never having kids, so hubby knew he had to have them, to carry on the family name, and so his mom could be a grandma... blah blah blah.

Well, Lucie is almost 4 weeks old, and I have to say that Jonathan is a better dad to our daughter than I am a mom at times.  I've had a rough time recovering from my c-section.  While I was feeling great the first few days, I got endometri-itis, and now, a cyst that pushes up against the incision from the inside.  It hurts like crazy, and I have to take percoset for the pain.  I'm pretty useless when I take the pain meds... I fall asleep while feeding her, and I haven't dropped her, but that's only because I know when I'm too woozy to carry her, and ask hubby to do it.  Jonathan is fantastic.  He even changes her poop diapers.  He's come a long way since that first day in the hospital, when I couldn't change her diaper because I was tied down to the bed, and my mom and sister had to show him how.

And now, every time he feeds her, when he tells her she's prettier than the babies on TV; that he loves her; that he's proud of her for her loud burp; that she's beautiful... I fall more and more in love with him.  With every diaper he changes, I fall more in love with him.  When I look at him looking at her, I know that by taking care of her, he's showing me how much he loves me, even in my times of weakness.  And I love him so much for it.  And I love him for letting me be the mother to his baby.

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