
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Ode to an Electric Blanket

My electric blanket has become my best friend in the last 24 hours.  I saw the electric blanket on sale at around 10:30pm on Black Friday at Walmart (Yes, I was the crazy 7-month-pregnant woman that went to Walmart before midnight to get some awesome deals).  I don't quite remember what I paid for my blanket, nor do I care at this point, because it helped me in my time of need.

I originally bought the blanket because some of our extended family members tend to call our house not really late, but after Jon and I have already headed to bed.  If I stay in the bedroom on the phone, Jon moans and groans because he either a) can't pay attention to his TV show if I'm on the phone b) can't sleep while I'm on the phone or c) just hates how infuriating some of my conversations with family members are when I have to repeat myself 10 times, and he starts to beg me to hang up on people.  So, I take the telephone into the living room in my PJs, and freeze my tuchass off.  This was why I bought the blanket.  Since then, I have only used the blanket once for the original purpose I bought it for, and this is not the reason I love my blanket so.

I love my blanket because yesterday I was having SEVERE lower back pain and contractions.  I may have overdone it a bit while cleaning and I had gulped down about 3 glasses of water, and eaten starch to soak up the acid reflux I was suffering from.  Still, my back felt like the baby had a little knife in her little hand and she was plunging it into my tailbone and spine.  I saw the blanket on top of a pile'o'stuff in the living room (while we moved the furniture, we didn't really go through all the stuff in the living room yet).  I thought to myself, "Self, maybe some heat will ease the pain..."  I plugged the blanket in, spread it out over where I intended to sit, turned it on the highest setting possible (there are three settings- low, medium, and high), and sat down on the blanket, in hopes of finding relief, and relief was exactly what I found.  I adjusted the blanket to move it up a bit, so my shoulder blades could feel the relief as well.  I was in heaven... until about 2 1/2 hours later.  I had been sitting on the blanket and feeling the warmth so long, I didn't even realize it had shut off after 2 hours.  You see, there is a safety feature which shuts it off after extended use.  You should not fall asleep while using an electric blanket, as there is a possibility you could get burned, in your lack of wakefulness.

And so, after I turned the blanket back on, I again found relief.  Any other night of the year, I would have been in bed long before I had to turn the blanket on three times because it kept turning off every two hours, but last night was New Year's Eve, and Jon and I wanted to stay up to watch the ball drop.  I don't think I would have been able to comfortably do so if not for the electric blanket.

At midnight, Jonathan and I shared kisses and wishes for a year filled with even more love than this past year (and if I wasn't expecting a baby soon, I wouldn't have thought it would be possible to have a year MORE filled with love, since we were married in May of 2011, but a baby will just strengthen and increase our love for each other and our family).  Then after sharing a few New Year's kisses of our own, Jonathan kissed my baby belly, explaining that he was "transferring" my kisses to the baby and including some of his own.  He had to "transfer the kisses" because I am not a contortionist, and am unable to kiss my own belly.  He is so cute, and I love him so much.  I just hope he doesn't get jealous because of my new found love of electric blankets.

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