
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The "Reggio" Chin?

We happened to run into one of Jonathan's aunts at the chiropractor today, and in showing her my latest sonogram photos, she said that our baby has "the Reggio chin."  This was the first time anyone had remarked about the bone structure of the baby looking like either of us... but it wasn't really so much that baby Lucie looks like Jonathan, because her face is too skinny at this point, but her chin does look strikingly similar to Jonathan's two youngest cousins' chins (they were standing right there to compare, and they are ages 6 and 7), and some of his other, thinner, cousins, now that I'm comparing the photo to FaceBook photos.  This has made me wonder even more what our baby will look like.  Will she look more like Jonathan than me?  When she gains a few pounds, will she look more like Jonathan, and less like his relatives?  Will she have all of Jonathan's beautiful facial features, but my hair color?  (I've been praying for this scenario) or Will she be a beautiful blending of both of our features?  At almost 32 weeks pregnant, I'm getting really excited, and I want to meet her soon (but not too soon!)

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